There's Something Strange About Stephen Fry, Isn't There?

Another honours list, another set of dubious characters get a knighthood. It's now, Sir Stephen Fry and Sir Sadiq Khan, as the British Establishment is collapsing under the weight of yet another sexual abuse scandal. Possibly the motherlode of them all. He beloved, talented, erudite, and always described as a national treasure, but the deeper you look, the darker it gets. Something's not right with this man.
Loving your country means accepting it has extremely serious problems. Loving your heroes means admitting there is a possibility they could be monsters.
A Childhood of Oscar Wilde
Fry is a Boomer, born in 1957. He went to Uppingham School in Rutland (the Midlands), which had a distinct culture. He describes it in his 1997 autobiography titled "Moab is My Washpot" (a reference to Psalm 60). It's an alarming read and quite revolting, to put it frankly.
In this work, he reveals he was inspired by the historical example of old gay men "sequestered in Capri and Tangier":
They don't need a parcel of old poofs historically sequestered in Capri and Tangier to tell him who they are where they come from and whether or not they have the right to hold their heads high. I did need them, however. I need them desperately and without them, I am not sure what I would have done to myself.
Capri is an Italian island, and Tangier a Moroccan port city. Being sequestered (isolated or hidden away, in a closet, perhaps) in these places was a code-phrase for being a paedophile:
Buggered at private school
Uppingham clearly had a culture of rampant homosexuality. The kind of stereotypical public school ick which provoked the endless mockery of the upper class for decades. He describes both the lust for "pretty junior boys" commonly expressed by their seniors what is termed his own "seduction and defloration" by a much older prefect during his first year there in 1970.

What he narrates is a deeply dysfunctional and perverse anti-culture:
You could openly admire a pretty boy, and all the middle and senior boys did. It was a sign of manliness indeed to do so. ‘Just ten minutes alone, me and that arse...‘ a sixth former might say as a cute junior walked past. ‘That’s all I ask,’ he would add looking skywards in prayer. ‘Oh no!’ One senior would clutch another as they caught sight of a comely new boy, ‘I’m in love. Save me from myself.’
I think that the logic of it was that new boys, pretty boys, were the closest approximation Uppingham offered to girls. They were hairless in the right places and sweet and cute and comely like girls, they had fluffy hair and kissable lips like girls, they had cute little bottoms like ... well, they had cute little bottoms like boys, but hell, any port in a storm, and there’s no storm like pubescence and no port like a pretty boy’s bum. All that public swooning however, was no more than macho posture. It proved their heterosexuality.
He goes on to talk about his first sexual experience, where an older boy invited him to play strip poker and molested him. Note the language of pederasty in use.
It was towards the end of my first year [in the summer term of 1971, when Fry was thirteen and three quarters] that I was successfully seduced and deflowered. Now, I have never believed myself to be physically attractive. There are three reasons for this.
A red-haired sixth-former and House Polly [Uppingham slang for Prefect] called Oliver Derwent called me to his study one day when I was on general fagging duties.
This led on to Fry being a "female substitute" of sorts, where he was sodomised in a disused outdoor toilets.
Derwent leaned forward and cupped his hand around one of my ears. ‘Out the window!’ he breathed hotly. ‘I’ll see you in the House Rears in ten minutes. I nodded, slightly frightened by this time, and not so sure that I wanted to go through with this making love business, but I climbed out of the window and dived into a nearby bush.
Dressed again, teeth chattering, I made my way to the House Rears, a set of disused Victorian lavatories round the back of the House. When Derwent arrived eight minutes later I regret to say he had come prepared with a tub of Vaseline and a grim determination to see things through.
I remember very little about the experience. I remember being bent forward and I remember grasping my own ankles. I remember some pain, plenty of grunting from Derwent and a sliding, slippy wetness running down the inside of my thighs when I stood up. Derwent was gone by the time I had pulled up my trousers and turned round, and whenever we saw each other in the House it was as strangers, no mention made, no extra friendliness shown or expected. Just a blankness.
Except this wasn't "making love", "seduction", or "defloration". He was thirteen years old. It was child rape. Bizarrely, it took Channel 4 and gay rag "Pink News" to point it out. But Fry thought thought it was fine and didn't mind.
Appearing on the new More 4 programme Shrink Rap, Fry said that an encounter with a sixth former during his first year of boarding school led to the assault. The programme, broadcast next week, is presented by psychotherapist Pamela Stephenson, wife of comedian Billy Connolly. According to sources close to the programme, Fry denies that the event had lasting consequences for his mental health.
"TV personality Stephen Fry has revealed that he was sexually assaulted by another pupil while at school."
Obsessed with a pederast playwright
Fry has never made any secret of who his greatest hero of all time is. His idealisation of this appalling character has spread across stage and screen.

He told the audience at the sold-out event how he "became obsessed" by Wilde's work after seeing The Importance of Being Earnest on television as a child.
The QI star, who served three months in prison aged 17 for credit card fraud, recalled how reading Wilde's works in his cell led to "an epiphany" which allowed him to turn his life around.
Fry is honorary patron of the Oscar Wilde Society and played the title role in the 1997 biopic about the poet and playwright.

Wilde, the Irish poet and playwright, was undoubtedly a brilliant man and a master of language. However, he was also a paedophile, as Lord Robathan pointed out in the Parliamentary record:
We should be careful about romanticising Oscar Wilde, as the placing of a statue of him in the Strand last year did. Clearly, he was persecuted by the father of his male friend, Lord Alfred Douglas, the Earl of Rosebery. He wrote some fine plays and was quite a good poet. However, those who are concerned about paedophilia and sex tourism should know that Oscar Wilde was a paedophile and a sex tourist--[Interruption.] Labour Members shake their heads. Let them read the biography--[Hon. Members: "We have."] I can quote from memory that Alfred and Oscar competed for Neapolitan boys in 1897. What is that if not paedophilia and sex tourism? Let us hear no more nonsense about Oscar Wilde being a martyr to homosexual equality.
In "Oscar Wilde’s Scandalous Summer: the 1894 Worthing Holiday and the Aftermath" by Antony Edmonds, the details are laid bare:
A common canard among those who know little about Wilde is that he was a martyr to Victorian injustice and hypocrisy. However, as we have indicated, the trials were conducted fairly; and Wilde was fortunate that the maximum sentence available to the judge was two years, which Mr Justice Wills described as ‘wholly inadequate for such a case’. Today, men who have sexual relations with boys under sixteen can be sentenced to up to fourteen years in prison, and paying for sex with a boy of sixteen or seventeen carries a sentence of up to seven years. Wilde probably committed the first of these offences, and he was certainly guilty of the second.
Celibate but a gay scene regular
Fry's narration of his life is slightly muddled, to say the least. On one hand, he claims to have been "celibate" for two decades.
In the Eighties, I was known as Celibate Stephen. I was so excited by my work that I forgot to have sex. It was also fear: I always felt rejected in gay bars. I couldn’t dance; I didn’t look cool. All I wanted was to sit and talk. In some ways, though, I was lucky: I lost many friends to Aids.
Elsewhere, he says:
He said: ‘I always hated what was called “the scene” when I arrived in London – I arrived in London at a bad time for any gay person, in 1981 during the HIV virus.’
Former QI star Stephen added: ‘I remember hearing about GRID – gay related immune deficiency and all kinds of other strange words… we’d go to Heaven and various other gay clubs and a sweet gay bar in Chelsea, The Queen’s Head.
He kept going to gay bars regularly despite all these terrible feelings, and apparently was the first homosexual in modern history who didn't engage in promiscuity in favour of celibacy? Why go cruising at gay bars then?
A Disturbed Mind Masked By Comedy
Most people were introduced to Fry in the early eighties after his time at Cambridge, where he was a member of the infamous Footlights society. He was joined in his rise by partner Hugh Laurie, actress Emma Thompson, and writer Ben Elton.
It led to a decade of truly brilliant comedy revered by a whole grateful nation, where he earned his place as a national treasure and stage legend : "A Bit of Fry & Laurie", "Blackadder", "Jeeves and Wooster", and more.
An infamous play celebrating paedophilia
Fry's first play is rarely mentioned. In 1979, when he was 22, he wrote "Latin! or Tobacco and Boys", which won the Edinburgh Fringe award the next year in 1980. It's not mentioned for good reason. It's depraved and disgusting.

In this satirical work, an adult teacher sexually abuses a 13 year old boy and takes him to Morocco. The boy writes back to his schoolmates praising the country which he claims takes a relaxed attitude to sex between men and underage boys. According to FarLeftipedia, "The title derives from Christopher Marlowe's claim, reported by Richard Baines, that "All they that love not Tobacco and Boys are fools"."
When it was resurrected in 2002, the social winds had changed.
Stephen Fry has been accused of "promoting paedophilia" by giving his blessing to an Edinburgh Festival revival of his award-winning play about an affair between a teacher and an under-age schoolboy.
Referring to the sympathetic portrayal of the central character, Dominic Clarke, whose extra-curricular activities with young Rupert Cartwright lead to his being blackmailed by a vicious older master, [artistic director Adam Barnard] said: "I think the point he is making is that it's absolutely possible for someone to be a reasonable human being, but at the same time a person who shouldn't be let loose on the population of a school."
A book about magical paedophilia
Fry's eroticism of boys continues in "The Hippopotamus" (1994), where a 15 year old teenager, David, has magical sex with older adults they believe cures them of disease.

The story is an homage to Wilde, of course, told as a sequence of letters. Edward "Ted" Wallace (the lazy fat hippo), an alcoholic poet, accepts a commission from his terminally ill goddaughter (Jane), after being fired, He heads to Norfolk (where Fry lives) to investigate miracle healings at his friend Lord Michael Logan's country mansion. We all know who "Lord Logan" is (Lord Alfred Douglas, Wilde's dear chum).
David is Ted's godchild (other than Jane):
Apparently, David is some sort of healer, a gifted boy capable of relieving just about anything with his touch. Soon we witness David clandestinely curing many of the residents and guests of the estate of their various ailments. But how does he do it? Well, mostly through sex. In the name of healing, the boy copulates with, among others: his cousin Jane, a flouncy middle- aged gay man who calls himself "Mother" and Lilac, a horse (he uses a ladder).
Serious drug addiction and hatred of God
Fry's never made any secret of his militant atheism and fanatical use of cocaine. Neother of those are particularly controversial, but the virtulence with which he describes his beliefs is notable.
A 2015 article for ABC Australia sums it up rather concisely he hates God for making him a homosexual with a predilection for "delight" in disgusting things:
He said he had questioned what kind of God would create human beings who would "find delight in organs of the body that are parked exactly adjacent to or indeed share a function with the organs of excretion?" "All those damp, tufted areas of the human body with their strange odours. How can anybody find them attractive?"
When asked if he was too shy to talk about sex, Fry said he could "bore you and disgust you horrifically, talking about sex".
It goes on to detail his "christianophobia" - which is, of course, acceptable, compared to "homophobia", which is not.
Fry said he was an Islamophobe and a Christianophobe for that matter, adding he was afraid of "all kinds of people". Earlier this year, Fry angered Christians when he branded God "evil, capricious and monstrous" for allowing children to get bone cancer and for other miseries in the world.
It also details his "creepy" terminology for cocaine. Rock stars don't do this.
In one of his autobiographies, Fry revealed he had spent an "enormous amount of time and money on cocaine", admitting to using even in Buckingham Palace.
He told Lateline he never used cocaine when he was working on stage or in the TV studio: "I used to call it, rather creepily, pudding. It was what you would call a sticky. It was the thing to have at the end of a meal."
A list of paedophile heroes
Naturally, it gets worse. In 2009, Fry published a letter to his younger self in the Guardian, in which he lists out the men he admired as a youth. Sixteen year-old Stephen is in the library, looking up famous homosexuals.

I know what you are doing now, young Stephen. It's early 1973. You are in the library, cross-referencing bibliographies so that you can find more and more examples of queer people in history, art and literature against whom you can hope to validate yourself. Leonardo, Tchaikovsky, Wilde, Barons Corvo and von Gloeden, Robin Maugham, Worsley, "an Englishman", Jean Genet, Cavafy, Montherlant, Roger Peyrefitte, Mary Renault, Michael Campbell, Michael Davies, Angus Stewart, Gore Vidal, John Rechy, William Burroughs.
Many of these are innocuous writers' heroes, like Burroughs. The brilliant journalist, Malcolm Clark, points out:
While huge gay icons like Walt Whitman, Edward Carpenter and E M Forster are notably absent Fry includes names like Wilhelm von Gloeden whose photographs of naked adolescent Sicilian boys were all the rage at the turn of the 20th Century. Among men of a certain persuasion. Perhaps Fry is unaware Gloeden didn't just photograph boys he procured them for men. Who else is on the list Fry said "emboldens you [his 16 year old self] "to know that such a number of brilliant ...souls shared the same impulse and desires as you.”
Robin Maugham was a well-regarded novelist but his memoir openly acknowledged his life-long pursuit of boys. He travelled to an oasis in Egypt when he was told local bachelors were allowed to chase prepubescent boys... and rape them.
The French playwright Henry de Montherlant wasn't just an arch misogynist and an advocate of collaboration with the Nazis he ruthlessly and violently predated on young boys. He compared his visits to Algeria to rape boys to .... hunting for animals.
French writer Roger Peyrefitte was a friend of Montherlant. They hunted boys together. Fry may have been unaware of his pederasty despite the fact Peyrefitte was completely open about it. 'Notre Amour' published in 1967 is an account of his "relationship" with a 14 year old. He would later admit the boy was 12 when he began abusing him sexually. The French literary Establishment showered awards on him. Of course they did.
The last one for now is Angus Stewart. Who he? In 'Tangier: A Writer's Notebook' it soon becomes clear Stewart's penchant is for boys aged 11. Even if somehow a 16 year old Fry mistakenly thought the likes of Stewart were inspirational it beggars belief a 51 year old Fry in 2009 would continue to applaud these predators.
Famous BBC Paedophile Friends
The BBC, aka the "Boy Benders club" according to the police, was, and is, a hotbed of paedophilia. There's just no mistaking it or covering it up now. The list is long: Jimmy Savile, Max Clifford, Rolf Harris, Cliff Richard (no charges filed), Tim Westwood, Chris Denning, Mark Page, Stuart Hall, Peter Rowell, Ben Thomas... it never ends.
Philip Schofield, Russell Brand, and Huw Edwards being the latest.
Tributes to paedophile Jimmy Savile
Who was friends with Savile and stuck up for him at the time allegations began swirling in the media? Guess who.
He was "not as other men." Oh, we know. Now we really know.

” Oh, Sir Jimmy Savile is no more. Spent a train journey from Leeds to London with him once. He was not as other men. Fascinating & rare: RIP”
— Stephen Fry (@stephenfry) October 29, 2011 (deleted)
Friends with pederast Peter Tatchell
Fry, of course, was always a fan of Stonewall, and particularly the odious media luvvie Peter Tatchell, Britain's pederast-in-chief. He turned against the charity, but not before personally funding one or two extreme gender surgeries:

One of their key signature projects involved (successfully) petitioning the Education Secretary (the equally odious Damian Hinds) to mandate children were introduced to sexual topics in schools against any parental objections:
In a letter to the Education Secretary, the Peter Tatchell Foundation says that political, religious and cultural sensitivities should not be allowed to thwart mandatory age-appropriate RSE in every school, including in faith and independent schools, from the first year of primary education onwards.
The letter is co-signed by five other people, including actor Stephen Fry and four others involved in education and school’s work and draws on their experience listening to pupils and teachers.
Fry's school days aren't a good model for "education." His literary work certainly isn't "age-appropriate" or a wholesome study of "pupils and teachers."
Tatchell, despite his own protestations, is a blatant pederast with a long historical record of defending the "right" of teenage boys to be sodomised by older men. The ridiculously long list of dubious things this man has tried to obscure and cover up would take pages, but this is a good summary:
Raucous lunch with paedophile Jonathan King
Jonathan King is, of course, one of the worst convicted BBC paedophiles with more public school boy / Cambridge history. In 2001, he went down for seven years for sodomising five underage boys. In 2017, he was charged again with another 18 offences. He's narcissistic in the extreme, unapologetic, and still claims he's the victim.
Who enjoys his company very much after he got out? Guess.

It soon becomes clear that he does, indeed, know everybody. Among the names dropped during our interview are Jonathan Ross, whose first job was as King's junior researcher; Dave Gilmour, of Pink Floyd, whose first band, Joker's Wild, King produced at Cambridge; Peter Cook, who knew all the lyrics to King's B-sides; Simon Cowell, who put up £50,000 of King's £150,000 bail when he was arrested in 2000; Stephen Fry, with whom King had a raucous lunch at Le Gavroche just the other day.
Paedophilia limericks on a BBC quiz show
Of course it doesn't end there. As host of "QI" ("Quite Interesting") on BBC2, we find Fry, yet again, letting out a fun poem about... sodomising young boys.
The BBC Trust has described as "unfortunate and regrettable" a moment in an episode of BBC2 quiz show QI in which host Stephen Fry recited a limerick about paedophilia minutes before a Newsnight report on the Jimmy Savile scandal.
The limerick, which Fry recited as the last item of the comedy quiz show, went:
"There was a young chaplain from King's
Who talked about God and such things;
But his real desire
Was a boy in the choir
With a bottom like jelly on springs."
As he says in his own autobiography about Uppingham school, aforementioned:
they had cute little bottoms like ... well, they had cute little bottoms like boys, but hell, any port in a storm, and there’s no storm like pubescence and no port like a pretty boy’s bum.
Paedophila stories at a city dinner
Live broadcast television wasn't the only time. It happened in private. The Daily Mail reported his acceptance speech at a City event managed to disgust and offend a lot of liberal types.
What was he laughing about? Gore Vidal procuring young boys to sodomise.
Stephen Fry was announced as President of the Hay Literary Festival at a dinner in the City of London this week. The comic treated guests to a graphic story about Gore Vidal’s stay at a top London hotel where he rang a gay escort agency to arrange a boy for an energetic afternoon session.
Despite being attended by usually liberal-minded literary types, Fry’s lurid details of the sex act with the young man and what he would or would not perform was too much for some guests. ‘Fry’s speech was deeply distasteful,’ blusters my corduroy-clad mole.
Retiring In Plain Sight, Perhaps
When fame sinks in, the limelight offers little cover other than lawyers. Every part of your life - and all its dirt - is raked by the press.
Gay "marriage" to a boyish male 30 years younger
Most people's introduction to Fry's apparent preferences came in 2015, when they saw pictures of his 27-year-old "husband". Someone many commentators at the time pointed out looked like his... son.

News has broken that actor, QI host, and probable pub quiz supremo Stephen Fry, 57, has become engaged to Elliott Spencer, a comedian 30 years his junior. Of course, in a world in which everybody’s love life is ostensibly fair game, “Stephen Fry” was trending this morning on Twitter, and while Fry tweeted that he was very grateful for congratulatory messages – including from the actor Robert Webb, activist Peter Tatchell and pianist James Rhodes – plenty of people were quick to call out the age gap.
This was no mere one-off. When the "couple" had their "honeymoon" in Honduras, the locals appeared to be so disgusted they expelled them from the area:
The QI presenter and Blackadder actor, 57, took Elliott, his junior by 30 years, to the catholic Central American country where gay marriage is banned and there is widespread disdain for homosexuals. Mr Spencer told the Daily Mail: "We had a problem when we visited Honduras on holiday," Elliott admits. "It was homophobia. I don’t want to go into detail, but we had to leave."
Mocking child sexual abuse victims
Arrogance, cruelty, and hubris can manifest in different ways, but one of the most lurid is a contempt for victims, whom perpetrators always claim were the real criminal in the situation. Not that Fry has ever been convicted of a sexual offence, but his tone sounds notably similar to people, like say Jonathan King, who have:
Speaking in an interview with Dave Rubin on the Rubin Report last week, the 58-year-old referred to people who had an "uncle touch them in that nasty place" and said he has "no sympathy" for them.
Didn't do him any harm! He was forced to issue an emergency apology when the media and charity sector attacked him en masse.
Stephen Fry has apologised “unreservedly” for suggesting survivors of sexual assault need to stop self-pitying and “grow up”. The mental health charity Mind, where Fry is President, said it would be addressing the concerns expressed by many over his comments.
Coincidentally, MIND was running the Duncroft Girl’s School at the time that Jimmy Savile was abusing children there:
What were the odds?
Paedophilia jokes at the BAFTAs
Round and round we go. A year after his "marriage", back in public at a 2016 awards ceremony at the height of Operation Yewtree (the Met's pedo investigation), the subject was, again, paedophilia. Fry's routine led to a punchline about the movie "Spotlight", centred on the investigation of paedophile priests in the Catholic church, was a "love story". It didn't go down well.
He also mentioned the love interests in Brooklyn, before continuing with Spotlight, which revolved around a scandal of clerical child sex abuse. “Love abounds this year in film,” he said. “The love between two women, love between a young Irish girl and an Italian American, love between Catholic priests and … ”
As the star paused here, the audience inside London’s Royal Opera House gasped, but some clapped.
The Pink Mafia's MeToo
There's been a long, long wait for the gay community to get their "MeToo" moment. There are a long list of extremely aggressive gay sex offenders in the entertainment industry, and the worst-kept-secret is many of them are "protected" because they're gay. Many spots in West Hollywood are infamous for the drink-spiking of young wannabe actors who naively went to a "meeting" with a producer and his friends.
For example:
- Kevin Spacey (acquitted);
- Don Lemon (eww, stinky fingers)
- Sean “Diddy” Combs (charged with drugging and sodomising men)
- Bryan Singer:
- It goes on for days.
If you want nightmares, read this:
Sexual abuse suspects should get anonymity
It's interesting what people campaign for. Few of us consider the rapist's feelings in a rape trial, even if we believe in the presumption of innocence. There's rarely smoke without fire. But it's curious when high profile people - like Woody Allen or Russell Brand, for example - advocate for certain causes. Often it turns out they are subject to those allegations shortly afterwards.
In 2019, Fry and Cliff Richard publicly backed the lobby group "Fair", or Falsely Accused Individuals for Reform. He seemed to have changed his mind about his beloved friend Jimmy Savile, who he said was "not as other men."
Mr Fry, who has never faced such accusations himself, said: “I’ve never groped anyone as far as I’m aware. But groping is not the same as penetrative rape.
“Again, things are nuanced, and it’s pretty grotesque to grope, especially an under-age child who doesn’t quite know what’s happening to them.
“But it’s not as grotesque as raping them. And the law has to be clear on that. Suddenly, everyone isn’t Jimmy Savile just because they may have patted somebody’s bottom, you know.”
Quite a change from the man who didn't consider himself affected by being sodomitically raped as a thirteen-year-old schoolboy, or have any sympathy for victims who had an "uncle touch them in that nasty place."
Hollywood blind item rumours
If you've ever lived or spent time in Hollywood, you'll eventually meet plenty of people who have personal stories about British celebrities you know. Some of them are quite horrific. Russell Brand is a classic; as is Gordon Ramsey; as is Simon Cowell; and of course, every British musician staying on Sunset who goes to the Rainbow Bar & Grill.
It's difficult to tell what is true, from what is gossip. Everyone has a story.
Hollywood also has a tradition of "blinds", which are coded gossip snippets in the press written in such an ambiguous fashion they are useless in libel lawsuits. This one turned up in June 2023:
This foreign born A- list author who got his start doing a thing with an actor from the same country [Hugh Laurie] who then went on to star as a doctor in a long running show [House MD], is about to have a lot of young men accuse him of some not very nice things.
Fry was a playwright first at 22, and has written over 100 books. His first work was the aforementioned 1979 play about paedophilia ("Latin! or Tobacco and Boys") which won the Edinburgh Fringe prize in 1980. His TV career began the next year in 1981 through his membership of Cambridge Footlights - with Hugh Laurie and Emma Thompson.
Note: Fry's paedophilia play has been mysteriously scrubbed from his Wikipedia bibliography, even though it exists on Wikipedia elsewhere.
A snooker table and special branch?
One of the most deeply disturbing and harrowing things to have circulated about Fry was posted as a stray comment on a little-known blog which is worryingly detailed. It paints a different story about his most infamous incident where he claims to have had a "nervous breakdown" due to bipolar disorder.
This anonymous poster claims to offer an alternative explanation for the incident, at the height of Fry's career in the nineties.
I have been waiting to see a major BBC celebrity unmasked, this man is protected but you cannot live a life of satanism and debauchery without some inkling coming out.
Stephen Fry lived at Wells- next -the- sea in Norfolk, where the rich Londoners have their holiday homes. Fry was due to play the lead role on the West End stage in a play about the apostles (Rothschild’s gang of homosexual spies working for Russia), when he suddenly ran away and hid and the search to find him was intense.
Stephen fancies himself as a biliard [sic] player and he has a very nice large table at his home, but the wagers were not for money they were for young boys. One of these boys went to the authorities and the police, because Stephen Fry had connections, brought in MI5, They tried to get the boy to tell his friends to remain silent as Stephen Fry had contacts who would make things very uncomfortable for the boys.
If you're English, this dialect should be familiar.
This "breakdown" was a well-documented incident in 1995, and there is a whole book about it. Fry, 38 at the time, was in a show with the genius Rik Mayall, his co-star from "Blackadder." He disappeared and abandoned Mayall, who bravely did the show without him.
In 1995, Stephen Fry abandoned the West End premiere of Simon Gray's espionage drama Cell Mates, leaving co-star Rik Mayall in the lurch and prompting Gray to write a particularly dyspeptic account of the bizarre goings-on called Fat Chance.
He says on his personal website he apparently suffered a suicidal "bipolar" incident where he ran away to Bruges (Belgium). It seems like an odd place to kill oneself, but his disappearance is beyond doubt. The poster attempts to posit a different reason for the "suicidality."
Mayall despised Fry ("Stevie') afterwards, who never apologised, before Mayall died in initially mysterious circumstances shortly afterwards. His death at 56 was later ruled a heart attack while jogging.
Fry's response was interesting, about someone he betrayed and never apologised to:
Stephen Fry wrote on Twitter from a transatlantic flight: "Crossing the Atlantic with wifi. Simply distraught to hear of the death of Rik Mayall. An authentic comedy genius and a prince among men."
Fry does have two homes in Norfolk both close to Welles, and he is a huge snooker ambassador: . Billiards is linked with this school years where his sexuality emerged: . It's not a stretch to believe as an enthusiast he has a table at home: .
The details are slightly "off", such as the "Rothschild" trope (which may indicate anti-Semitic leanings, given Fry/Frei now claims Jewish ancestry). Ordinary citizens can't "bring in MI5" even if the service does have historically-documented recruitment links with underground groups like the Cambridge "Apostles" (the ridiculous Conversazione Society),
The police department at that time who dealt with politically-sensitive cases was Special Branch (later CTC SO15). It was indeed historically partnered with MI5, as the Security Service does not have powers of arrest and has to refer suspect to the police if it wants them brought in:
The director of Special Branch in 1995 was John Howley. Howley was a highly political man who was in charge of Salman Rushdie's protection and claimed the violent Animal Liberation Front were not "terrorists." He was no stranger to establishment cover-ups:
Michael Howard, the Home Secretary, Douglas Hurd, the former Foreign Secretary, and John Howley, head of the Metropolitan Police Special Branch, all signed public interest immunity certificates to prohibit the release of the documentation into court. It is believed they include intelligence briefings, Cabinet Office papers and Special Branch papers.
The decision may cause deep embarrassment to the Government particularly if, as is widely suspected, the papers confirm the claim of one of the defendant's, Paul Grecian, that he was reporting directly to the secret service while exporting fuse machinery to Jordan. The goods were shipped on to Iraq.
No evidence is available to support this anonymous claim so it should be considered false, even libelous, unless shown otherwise. However it is historically intriguing, given the detail, Fry's appetites, and the Hollywood rumour-mill.
Having one's career and public reputation about to ruined, at the height of one's professional success - i.e. facing the complete destruction of one's life courtesy of a whistleblower, authentic or false - is definitely reason for a sudden onset of suicidality, ending in the panic of fleeing to a different country out of the reach of the law until it's blown over (and a very common tactic of the British upper aristocratic class). In fact, it's far more believable than random "bi-polar" depression. It's certainly plausible, even without the "billiard boy" element.
Gray certainly thought the "suicide" story was suspect. "Doing a Stephen Fry" apparently means to take a decadent three-day holiday on the pretense of a mental breakdown.
And the next thing Gray knows is that Fry has gone. Changed his answering-machine message a few times, and then disappeared. No one knows whereto. Nervous breakdown ? Or did he really do the big bunk ... ? Information trickles in: he'd spent a lot on whisky, cigarettes, and books after vanishing ("So if he'd planned to commit suicide, it was by smoking, drinking and reading himself to death"). It turns out then that he just fled for ... Bruges.
Did Fry flee the country because one or more underage boys reported him to the police? Did Special Branch get involved and intimidate them into going away?
Is he the "untouchable" man?
Two years ago, the former Surrey Police detective who did a tonne of the legwork on Jimmy Savile, Mark Williams-Thomas, left an intriguing breadcrumb in the press. There's a big fish still out there who is even worse. He's rather hostile to Fry:
Popular speculation tends to brings up the following names:
- Prince Andrew
- David Walliams
- Neil Gaiman
Frankly, it could be one of a dozen suspects at this point. A former defence minister was arrested this week for soliciting a fifteen year-old boy on Twitter. Another list of fifty convicted Labour party sex offenders was released at the same time.
The investigator who revealed Jimmy Savile's prolific paedophilia has said that he is working - and has been for some time - on exposing one other well-known living child sex offender. Mark Williams-Thomas, the former police detective-turned-TV journalist who exposed Savile, claimed that the other individual has so far evaded justice because he is 'untouchable'.
'There are still people out there who are untouchable,' the former Surrey Police and family liaison officer told i. 'There is one very significant person who I've done everything to try and get prosecuted because he is clearly a child sex offender. To date the CPS won’t prosecute. The police and I have tried really hard to get there.'
In 2018, he had previously claimed it was two, implying one of them went down:
Detectives have allegedly now investigated the two new celebrity names handed to them, but the Crown Prosecution says there is not enough evidence to press charges. He told Media Masters podcast: "There are other people out there. there are two particular high-profile individuals that I know about who I'm convinced are sex offenders. "I've brought that attention to the police. I know when one of those people died the floodgates will open." ?