Michel Foucault: prolific, serial paedophile rapist of children

Foucault is the most cited scholar in the humanities. His homosexual proclivities, and subsequent death from AIDS in 1984, are well-known. It turns out his nature was much worse than San Franscisco BDSM bathhouses: whilst working at the University of Tunis, he paid 8 year-old Tunisian Arab boys to sodomise them on top of gravestones. And the media knew about it.
What Are The Charges?
Wikipedia - that dire cesspit of partisan activism - has a typically bitesize, linguistically-sanitized section on Foucault's disturbing behaviour:
"Foucault was a vocal proponent of consensual adult-child underage sex and pedophilia, considering them signs of liberation of both actors. In 1977, along with Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Derrida, and other intellectuals, Foucault signed a petition to the French parliament calling for the decriminalization of all "consensual" sexual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen, the age of consent in France. He'd also written an open letter in the Le Monde in defense of three convicted pedophiles. Foucault has been described by the Windsor Star as a "pedophile guru".
It was so, so much worse. As the Academy knew, it wasn't just an "idea" he had.
In a March 2021 article, The Times (paywalled) details horrific claims from Guy Sorman:
The philosopher Michel Foucault, a beacon of today’s “woke” ideology, has become the latest prominent French figure to face a retrospective reckoning for sexually abusing children.
A fellow intellectual, Guy Sorman, has unleashed a storm among Parisian “intellos” with his claim that Foucault, who died in 1984 aged 57, was a paedophile rapist who had sex with Arab children while living in Tunisia in the late 1960s.
Sorman, 77, said he had visited Foucault with a group of friends on an Easter holiday trip to the village of Sidi Bou Said, near Tunis, where the philosopher was living in 1969. “Young children were running after Foucault saying ‘what about me? take me, take me’,” he recalled last week in an interview with The Sunday Times.
“They were eight, nine, ten years old, he was throwing money at them and would say ‘let’s meet at 10pm at the usual place’.” This, it turned out, was the local cemetery: “He would make love there on the gravestones with young boys. The question of consent wasn’t even raised.”
Sorman claimed that “Foucault would not have dared to do it in France”, comparing him to Paul Gauguin, the impressionist said to have had sex with young girls he painted in Tahiti, and Andre Gide, the novelist who preyed on boys in Africa. “There is a colonial dimension to this. A white imperialism.”
Sorman says he regrets not having reported Foucault to police at the time or denounced him in the press, calling his behaviour “ignoble” and “extremely morally ugly”.
But, he added, the French media already knew about Foucault’s behaviour. “There were journalists present on that trip, there were many witnesses, but nobody did stories like that in those days. Foucault was the philosopher king. He’s like our god in France.”
The Significance of Such A Wicked Man
Foucault's influence is everywhere. He is a psychopathic antichrist figure to the religiously-minded, as the ilk of Aleister Crowley. To the Academy, he is a philosophical genius who fathered the LGBT and gender movements.
His major works included:
- Madness and Civilization (1961)
- The Birth of the Clinic (1963)
- The Order of Things (1966)
- The Archaeology of Knowledge (1969)
- Discipline and Punish (1975)
- History of Sexuality (1976)
Foucault's essential thesis was power ("subjectivation"). Power, power, and then more power. Everything was about power. Institutions control us through their power over knowledge and language; power can be used to define knowledge. What we know is determined by the powerful.
Hence the axiom, knowledge = power.
At least two generations of academics worship him as a god-like figure. Thousands of journal papers mention the words, "Following Foucault....".
"Madness and Civilisation" looked at how we view insanity. His "Birth of the Clinic" detailed hospitals and psychiatry. "Discipline and Punish" is a critique of the prison system. "Archaeology of Knowledge" discusses how what we say and think is an "imprisonment", and finally, "History of Sexuality" outlines his ideas on how "alternative sexual expression" outside of familial marriage allegedly developed.
(More: https://theconversation.com/explainer-the-ideas-of-foucault-99758)
Put simply, Foucault's ideas are the intellectual framework of the Liberationism crusade.
Every weirdo, every nutjob academic, every outlier, every criminal, every degenerate, has the roots of their intellectual justifications found in this deeply evil man's brain.
Among those who were comprehensively influenced by Foucault were Giorgio Agamben ("biopower"), Edward Said ("Post-colonial Studies"), Pierre Bourdieu (anthropology), Gilles Deleuze (metaphysics), Talal Asad ("Cultural Anthropology'), David Halperin ("Queer theory"), Hubert Dreyfus (AI), Paul Rabinow (Anthropology), Jacques Rancière (neo-Marxism), Félix Guattari ("Schizoanalysis"), and Stephen Greenblatt ("New Historicism"),
The Temple of Foucault is a staggering list of intellectual fraud.
One Special Mention: Queer Theory & Gender Studies
One disciple of Foucault is specifically prevalent in our own era: lesbian Marxist Gender Studies matriarch Judith Butler. Adjacent to trans activist (and former chemist) "Julia" Serano, she is credited with having developed the sociology offshoot of "Queer Theory" which merged with "Women's Studies" (i.e. Critical Theory and Feminism) which has produced the monster of "Gender Studies".
There are few things you can say about Butler which do her the appropriate justice: second only in academic fraud to Robin DiAngelo, winner of the "worst writing" award, author of preposterous and pretentious nonsense such as "performativity".
"If the immutable character of sex is contested, perhaps this construct called ‘sex’ is as culturally constructed as gender; indeed, perhaps it was always already gender, with the consequence that the distinction between sex and gender turns out to be no distinction at all.”
Utter, utter nonsense.
There is no more fitting tribute to someone of Foucault's character.
Butler is the author of "Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity" (1990) which has its thesis one of the dumbest ideas yet, formed as the bastard child of Freud, de Beauvoir, Lacan, Derrida, and St Foucault. That idea being biological sex, gender, and sexuality are involuntary "performances" over time coerced from "disciplinary" techniques, rather than anything to do with human biology.
It's a "work" so obscure and bizarre, it belongs in a museum in the "WTF" section. At one point she declares incest to be "a pervasive cultural fantasy".
This is where our "academics" get their current notions of "trans" activism from. There is a reason these people didn't make it to actual academic practice, or pass basic science class.
This link is further explored in multiple "meta" journal entries, such as http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/1965/ .
Why Does Any Of This Matter?
The only thing more serious than child rape is child murder. It matters intensely.
As Right-wing thinking deviates towards demagoguery, Left-wing thinking tends towards religiosity and primitivism. What makes them differ is the latter positions have their religious outlet in Christian conservatism, whereas the former lack any at all. Left-wing disciples, more often than not, have an exposed religious nerve. Their politics tend to be inflame it, and their activism manifests religious cult behaviour.
Put simply: right-wingers go to church. Lefties are religiously-wired with no religion to follow. Their religion becomes politics and activism.
Foucault is one such "religious" figure in Left-wing ideology. He holds a sacred space as a saint of the sexual liberation and the downtrodden outliers.
Why this matters is straightforward: conservatives and classically liberal philosophers have been stating for decades that LGBT ideologies of "liberation" are correlated with seriously criminal sexual behaviours converging on the abuse of children. Moreover, they have been chastised for pointing out the moral state of these scholars and how it applies to their ideas.
Much of this "academic" material is intellectual justification of deeply morally-degenerate psychopathy, camouflaged within some kind of moral crusade for the ethical high ground.
In "Intellectuals", Paul Johnson placed a blinding spotlight on these figures. Roger Scruton followed with "Fools, Frauds, and Firebrands".
When an adult male cracks open the skull of a female competitor in an MMA ring, "trans" forum moderators are arrested for child porn, or campaigners are routing people's lives for not wanting to touch their genitals, something is horribly, horribly wrong.
The list of this predatory behaviour keeps growing.
If you are the disciple of a predatory child rapist, you need to re-evaluate your ideas. If your academic hero is a serial paedophile, there is no reason for anyone to listen to a word you have to say.
Foucault is cited 1.14 MILLION times by our "academics": https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AKqYlxMAAAAJ&hl=en