BLM, Saint Floyd, & Ifa Witchcraft

If lesbian feminist Marxists organising Maoist riots and embezzling millions of dollars from white liberal women into property wasn't weird enough for you already, it turns out the whole thing was Occult religious rite. According to public conversations, BLM's founders are priestesses of a nutty West African religion named Ifa. It is, first and foremost, a "spiritual movement", above all.
When you went out to protest, did you agree to take part in West African magic rituals?
Of course, if your heading isn't spinning while you quietly whisper WTF, you wouldn't be human. Well, dear reader, as the saying goes, read on. "Say his name" wasn't a typical leftist slogan, it was apparently the ritual of an ancient spell to raise the dead, for revenge. Yes, really.
The Strange Religiosity Of George Floyd's Death
The press noticed it. Commentators noticed it. Religious people definitely noticed it. Something was very, very strange about the way Floyd was being effectively canonised into inappropriate martyrdom and sainthood.
The completely batshit religious or "spiritual" nature of it was aptly summarised by sycophants, - female, as always -, in an essay entitled "The Fight For Black Lives Is A Spiritual Movement":

As Ed West notes at Unherd:
The murder triggered a month of protests characterised not just by looting and violence but by strange and bizarre scenes such as the washing of black feet. As Niall Gooch put it at the time: “I am beginning to understand what it must have felt like to be alive in the Middle Ages when one of those hysterical outbreaks began and everyone in your village started quacking like a duck or refusing to wear clothes.”
The site of his death has now apparently become a religious shrine of "holy ground":
“This is sacred ground right here because this is where they took him from us,” said Paris Anding, a Black Minneapolis resident who came to the site on Sunday. “This is a different vibe over here, a different feeling for everybody … You got every color of person out here … together … and we’re all for the cause.” People knelt to pray amid flowers laid throughout the intersection. People chalked notes to Floyd on the street while reggae rang out from speakers on one side of the intersection and demonstrators shouted chants of “George Floyd” on another side.
And even strange magical significance was placed on a lightning strike of a street mural of Floyd in Ohio:
Minutes after the mural came down, Ross noticed people taking photos of a double rainbow in the sky. He decided he would incorporate the rainbow into the next mural. "I felt like that was a sign of a new beginning," he said.
The Witch Doctor Professor From California
BLM isn't just an embezzlement scheme. It has its own religious advisor, who is also founder of their Los Angeles chapter. And she's a rather interesting character, to say the least.
Meet Melina Abdullah (nee Melina Rachel Reimann).
Abdullah, who describes herself as a "womanist scholar-activist", is a tenured radical at California State University, Los Angeles. She holds a degree in something called "African American Studies" and a subsequent PhD in political science.
In January 2018, Abdullah joined a group called Justice LA at Hollywood United Methodist Church for a Facebook event. Which is where it got a little weird.

According to an outraged Christian News:
This is not just a social justice, a racial justice, an economic justice struggle,” Abdullah stated. “This is also a spiritual struggle, so it’s appropriate that we’re here in this setting (a church). And it’s also important that we summon the right energy into this space no matter what faith you are. We have to understand what the struggle is about.”
During the event, Abdullah told those gathered that she was going to “pour libation” in the name of her African American ancestors, an act that is defined as “a ritual pouring of a liquid as an offering to a god or spirit, or in memory of those who have ‘passed on.'”
“We’re going to summon their energy into this space,” she stated, “and I’m going to ask you all to join me.”
Adbullah said that she wanted to first summon those who had been killed by law enforcement and then other deceased leaders who fought for the rights of African Americans. She instructed the crowd that as she named a person, and then poured the libation—using a bottle of water to pour into a plant—those gathered were to then declare “ashe.”
“We summon those spirits that are still with us. We summon those people whose bodies have been stolen, but whose souls are still here,” Abdullah said. “We call on Wakiesha Wilson. We call on George Jackson … Eric Garner …”
“And all of those whose bodies have been stolen: We ask that you be with us. We ask that you work through us. We ask that we do righteous work on your behalf,” she continued in speaking to the the dead.
Err, what?
In 2020, she was right back at it, outside Mayor Garcetti's house with a whole new band. As Berkly explains in its sycophantic "Spiritual Movement" document:

On June 2, 2020, Black Lives Matter’s Los Angeles Chapter sponsored an action in front of Mayor Eric Garcetti’s house, demanding reductions in the city’s funding of police. The action, what many would call a protest, began like a religious ceremony. Melina Abdullah, chair of the Department of Pan-African Studies at California State University, Los Angeles, and co-founder of BLM-LA, opened the event explaining that while the movement is a social justice movement, it is first and foremost a spiritual movement.
She led the group in a ritual: the reciting of names of those taken by state violence before their time—ancestors now being called back to animate their own justice:
"George Floyd. Asé. Philandro Castille. Asé. Andrew Joseph. Asé. Michael Brown. Asé. Erika Garner. Asé. Harriet Tubman. Asé. Malcom X. Asé. Martin Luther King. Asé."
As each name is recited, Dr. Abdullah poured libations on the ground as the group of over 100 chanted “Asé,” a Yoruba term often used by practitioners of Ifa, a faith and divination system that originated in West Africa, in return. This ritual, Dr. Abdullah explained, is a form of worship.
The movement infuses a syncretic blend of African and indigenous cultures’ spiritual practices and beliefs, embracing ancestor worship; Ifa-based ritual such as chanting, dancing, and summoning deities; and healing practices such as acupuncture, reiki, therapeutic massage, and plant medicine in much of its work, including protest. That work, though, often remains invisible.
It goes on to explain Patrisse Cullors, one of BLM's mystical Marxist founders, has been "ordained" in "Ifa" and penned prayers to its deities. And, wait for it, live performances.
Cullors & Abdullah Explain Their Mystical Powers
The trouble is, you need to hear it in their own words to believe it. Thankfully, they couldn't help themselves. In June 2020, another Facebook event was live broadcasted by the Fowler museum with a long, tedious discussion between these nutjobs. It's as stupid as you imagine:
Cullors likes museums because they have things in them.
"You know I was always someone who almost obsessed about ancestors, Black ancestors in particular, and I wasn’t raised with honoring ancestors necessarily. I was raised Jehovah’s Witness with a little bit of that. As I got older and sort of feel like I was missing something. Ancestor, ancestral worship became really important, and as you know, the Fowler Museum is so important because it has, it has a bunch of West African traditional, um, pieces inside that museum, and it was one of the first museums that I went to that was speaking directly to African spirituality."
Abdullah is in a “very intimate” relationship with a spirit representing itself as Waukesha Wilson sometime after she died.
"Maybe I’m sharing too much, but we’ve become very intimate with the spirits that we call on regularly, right.” she explained. “Like, each of them seems to have a different presence and personality, you know. I laugh a lot with Wakisha, you know. And I didn’t meet her in her body, right, I met her through this work.”
She believes you "summon" spirits by saying their names, like a spiritual intercom or dog chew toy.
“We speak their names … [and] you kind of invoke that spirit, and then their spirits actually become present with you,”
You see, Twitter hashtags are more than just keyboard letters. They are actual incantations to raise the dead and do, err, magic. After which, they "pour libations".
“It’s a, it is a very important practice, hashtags are for us are way more than a hashtag. It is, um, literally, almost resurrecting a spirit so they can work through us to get the work that we need to get done.”
"We do feel like, when we say the names, right, so we speak their names, we say her name, say their names, we do that all the time. You kind of invoke that spirit and then those spirits actually become present with you. Right?”"
BLM has 16 chapters, apparently, because Ifa has 16 "heavenly prophets".
Wings made from her brother Monte’s used clothes are a symbol of the artist’s 20-year fight to keep her sibling free from incarceration and abuse. Bearing the weight of the wings, Cullors leads witnesses to an 8-foot nest which she adorns with Monte’s clothing. Filmed at The Broad on February 5, 2020, 𝙋𝙧𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙄𝙮𝙖𝙢𝙞 touches on themes including resistance, healing, metaphor and mysticism found in The Broad’s special exhibition, Shirin Neshat: I Will Greet the Sun Again (October 19, 2019 – February 16, 2020).
OK, so these women are utterly mad. We knew that already. But THIS mad? This is obviously panicking a lot of Christians, for good reason; Maoism + West African magic aren't exactly a pleasant combination.
But one group specifically. Particularly, black Christians.
What The Hell is Ifa?
It's a monotheistic Nigerian religion. Well, technically, it's a Yoruba religion, which means it comes when West Africa was known as Yorubaland. What the F is that?
Yoruba religions are a group of systematized beliefs and practices that originated in West Africa and were brought to the New World by enslaved people who further developed and adapted them to their situation, including some influences from Christianity. (Other more well-known Yoruba religions include Haitian Vodou and Santeria.) Yoruba religions today are concentrated in Nigeria, Togo, and Benin in West Africa and in Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Guyanas, Jamaica, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Kitts, and St. Vincent in the New World.
So, African superstitions, and associated with slavery. We can see where this one is going, can't we? This is going to be like "ethnomathematx". A system academics claim we have to solemnly "respect" on an "equal" basis.
It has 16 magical books, which are kinda like a bible, which is called the Odu Ifa. It's super-god is Olodumare, who rules over loads of little smaller gods representing elements of nature.
The idea is to summon these "deities" and ancestor intercessors through batshit rituals, and study their "wisdom".
In Yorubaland, divination gives priests unreserved access to the teachings of Orunmila. (Grand Priest) Eshu is the one said to lend ashe to the oracle during provision of direction and or clarification of counsel. Eshu is also the one that holds the keys to one's ire (fortune or blessing) and thus acts as Oluwinni (one's Creditor): he can grant ire or remove it. Ifá divination rites provide an avenue of communication to the spiritual realm and the intent of one's destiny.
The Ifá divination system was added in 2005 by UNESCO to its list of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity"
Really? In 2022? When you're tweeting from a smartphone?
If you've ever lived in Africa, you'll be familiar with this kind of ghoulish nonsense. It's not scary, it's simply dumb. It's the equivalent of idiots running round Stonehenge trying to bring down rain from the skies.
Curses, rain dances, incantations, voodoo dolls, spells, power. Here we go again.
Why is it - every single time - the most extreme, radical manifestations of feminism start with fantasy/sci-fi literature and end up in the search for "magic power" and witchcraft? (e.g. )
This isn't funny or harmless. It's idiotic, weird, and pathological.
Black American Identity Crisis: Making Africa Great Again
There are deeper issues at play here which non-Americans won't necessarily understand. 3% of transatlantic slaves were shipped to the US, with the significant majority being transported by the Portuguese to Brazil. They were captured by fellow Africans as POWs, then trafficked and offered for sale through Arab trade routes which had established markets.
The question is: these religions are NOT on the rise in East/South Africa, Brazil, or the Caribbean. Or Europe, for that matter. Why here?
In March 2019, the Baltimore Sun ran a fascinating article about the rise of West African religious practice in Maryland ("West African religions like Ifa and Vodou are on the rise in Maryland, as practitioners connect with roots"), which has an extremely strange "respectful" tone it adopts while attempting to take this weird superstition seriously.
"And when the lead priestess of these African-American women dropped a handful of shells to the ground and scrutinized their pattern, a message came through: Their celebration of the spring equinox was blessed by the divine. “[The river goddess] Osun has accepted our gifts,” said the priestess, a Mount Washington resident and longtime practitioner of Ifa, an ancient West African faith. She prefers to be called Olori, the name she is known by within the faith."
Yeh, we know where this is going. Profound.
However, one thing glares out of the prose:
“These traditions are indeed growing in the U.S.,” says Albert Wuaku, a professor at Florida International University who specializes in African and Caribbean religions. “They have a strong appeal to groups of African-Americans who have been struggling with questions of identity, who don’t feel they fit so well within the American system. They’re especially appealing to women, who tend to hold more powerful positions within the African traditions than in Western cultures.”
Wuaku says “strong bases” of West African religions have emerged in California, Florida, Michigan and other places around the country.
Tell that to the women in northern, eastern, central, or southern Africa. It'd come as quite a surprise, given they are some of the most patriarchal societies on planet Earth.
Identity, you say? Perhaps like those radicalised in summer camps and indoctrinated in Queer Theory?
A lot of this is syncretic with the Baptist tradition.
But the traditions survived in altered forms – as Santeria in Cuba, Vodou in Haiti, Sango Baptism in Trinidad — as followers adopted elements of the Catholic, Baptist and other faith traditions already established in those places.
This doesn't happen in Trinidad, which you will know if you've ever been there. People want iPhones, shop at brand stores in the mall, and worship YouTube rap videos. They don't want the African past; they want the wealthy prosperity and Mercedes cars.
That's of course where the article takes its typically leftist turn. It's whitey's fault. And Jesus.
Historians say that when Western European nations such as Belgium and France began colonizing Africa, they viewed indigenous religions as pagan at best, demonic at worst, and responded by spreading a triumphalist form of Christianity that powerfully eroded traditional practices.
That legacy, Olori says, is why many in the African diaspora still consider Christianity more an agent of oppression than of liberation.
Those who return to Africa to reconnect with their roots apparently find they have obtained magical powers:
"During one stay, she and a friend visited a nearby plantation, and Olori says she was alarmed to realize she had a power many priestesses possess: She could “see dead people.”
Ten paragraphs of subversive Gramscian social science nonsense later....
"Olori says Ifa helped her make sense of the world, made the spiritual real, and “brought me back to myself” as a spiritual being, an African-American and a woman."
And there it is. It's a revolutionary act.
Gramsci and Lukacs' ideas, with Marcuse's theory, as validated by the CCP's research studies: religion holds Western civilisation together, and it must be undermined. The revolutionary energy can be found in black nationalism and student intelligentsia. The best to do that? Cut off black people from the thing which unites them with others by encouraging them to "reconnect" with something completely opposite; stir the identity pot.
There's a grotesque racism here, again.
It's a "compassionate" act of sympathy to support black Americans in a manufactured identity crisis through a journey to their supposed ancient magical rain dance roots in the jungle;their supposedly primitive folklore superstitions being fetishised by "advanced" WASPish journalists in Connecticut. It's quaint and esoteric to these people. The "authentic" home of these "African" people and their witchcraft.
It might come as a surprise to bourgeois liberals, but Nigeria is one of the most educated places on Earth. Kampala has computer science institutes. South Africa developed its own nuclear weapons. Caribbean islanders drive sports cars and have cable. A huge proportion are surgeons, billionaires, and philosophers. They are British parliamentarians.
It is not "cute" to "affirm" any of this. It does not help people unite when you patronise them as savages and witch doctors, while encouraging them to "reconnect" with ancient Africa in a way that disconnects them from where their descendants live now.
Unless, of course, that's exactly the point: a disconnected underclass ready to carry out your revolution for you.