screenplay The Editable "His Girl Friday" Screenplay in Final Draft, Fade In Pro, Fountain, and PDF Format What's not to love about the legendary screwball caper from 1940? If you're new to His Girl Friday, you're in for a treat. It's one of the original "rapid-fire repartee" comedies which influenced Tarantino, Sorkin, and many others. The conversation
screenwriting Story Plot Structures: How Plays, Games, And Movies (Don't) Work A good story tells itself. If you are finding yourself stuck and attempting to force the events of a story, your story sucks. Or, you suck at telling stories. Stories with true narrative force are unstoppable. 99.9% of stories created today - even through the 36 situations - are
screenwriting ScreenJSON: Screenplays That Computers Understand ScreenJSON is a data model and object notation/interchange syntax for screenplays. In essence, it is “screenplays for computers”. * Word processors help humans to author scripts. * PDFs help humans to publish and read scripts. * ScreenJSON helps computer systems understand and analyze scripts. For the impatient, the documentation is here: https: